Sunday, July 13, 2008

Explaining things

"Matt, you got all the right answers but you didn't show your work."
"Wait, why do I have to show my work if I got the right answers?"
"Well how did you get those answers?"
"Um, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time." I really didn't know how I got the answers. Or did, but I couldn't explain it. I don't think it was the way we were taught in class, but I don't remember that.
"You have to show your work because guessing isn't always going to work."
"Ok." And soon thereafter I dropped out of high school.

Now there aren't any right answers. There's just shit that makes sense to me. And I have to show my work because I might be totally full of shit. First I have to show that I know my way around. Eventually maybe I can say "Hey, I already looked there, remember? No, follow me over here." And people will.


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