That there is a genesis and an apocalypse in every moment.
Time is only a progression of universes that we travel between.
Like walking from room to room in an infinite mansion,each moment of consciousness we experience is linked to all others past present and future.
Only the limitations of our physical being force us to forget this.
Each person you meet is only another self in mascarade, there to remind you of something you forgot when you put on your present persona.
And you may as easily shed that as you shed a piece of clothing.
Eternity is not a progression of moments piled one upon the other but rather the experience of all moments as one.
This is the Alpha and Omega.
In choosing this limited existence you live at risk of being seduced by sense experience.
But all this is an illusion.
Even these words are a lie.
And in that body you may suffer cold, hunger, loneliness, doubt and pain.
And even death.
But in that body your cells experience cold, hunger, loneliness, doubt and pain and die without you even being aware of their passing.
Such is it with the universes.
You are but a vessel in which the divine may find a temporal expression.
Use this existence to the best of your ability, always remembering that in every moment that you continue it is a choice to be.
And that the greatest illusion of all is the concept of you and me.
"What is this but my reflection / who am I to judge or strike you down?"-Tool "Pushit"
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